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Art, Ecology, and and Climate: Entanglement

Art, Ecology, and and Climate: Entanglement

One of several e-galleries devoted to ecological and climatological topics, these artworks capture interconnections between organic and elemental components of a place, habitat, or ecosystem. To recognize how human and nonhuman, living and nonliving things interconnect, depend on one another, and compete for resources is to take a key step towards thinking ecologically rather than environmentally. Some works depict cultural entanglements with nature over vast distances. Others represent the complexities of microhabitats in tree canopies or specific dependencies between human and nonhuman creatures, including pets. Still others call attention to elemental components of the world so familiar that we often overlook them. We invite you to reflect critically on the ecological entanglements that these artworks capture and how they capture them. How does a given artwork comment on or take for granted the complexities of the organic and elemental entanglements it depicts or evokes?

More images of ecological entanglement can be found throughout the other Art, Ecology, and Climate E-Museums.

Collection Highlights
Long Distance
Brandon Stahlman
The Spell of Distance
Karl Schrag
[Melting telephone in desert]
Salvador Dalí
circa 1970s
Circuit of Space
Irene Rice Pereira