Skip to main content Collections MenuAdvanced Search Objects: results Advanced Search Close Refine ResultsArtist / MakerBerenice Abbott (35) Robert Heinecken (24) Fred Ellis (20) Boris Artzybasheff (19) Raimond von Stillfried (13) Abram Tromka (12) Frances Flora Bond Palmer (11) Barbara Morgan (10) Winslow Homer (10) Cecile Gray Bazelon (10) Load all Artist / MakerClassification(s)Print (340) Photograph (298) Drawing (66) Painting (52) Sculpture (24) Decorative Art (2) Portfolio (2) Book (1) Cartoon (1) Ceramic (1) Load all Classification(s)CollectionsPerformance, Gesture, and Reflection (7) Photography (5) Art from Mithila, India (3) Art, Ecology, and Climate Water Use (3) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and Wildness (2) Play, Electronics and Social Connection (2) Art on Campus (1) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & Animality (1) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems (1) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Materials (1) Load all CollectionsDate toDepartmentPermanent Collection (787) GeographyVillage of Ranti (1) Image AvailableSort:RelevanceTitle (A–Z)Date (Older First)Object number (Ascending)Primary Maker (A-Z)Last Updated (Ascending)ListImagesTable Advanced Search Filters View PDFTitleArtist / MakerCultureGeographyObject numberKeywordDatetoDateMediumCredit LineClassification(s)All(not assigned)AnimationAssemblageBookCalligraphyCartoonCeramicCollageConstructionDecorative ArtDrawingGlassInstallationJewelryOtherPaintingPhotographPortfolioPrintSculptureTextileVideomiscellaneousIn Collection(s)AllArt and GlobalizationArt from Mithila, IndiaArt on CampusArt, Ecology, and Climate BewildermentArt, Ecology, and Climate Water UseArt, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & AnimalityArt, Ecology, and Climate: Atmospheric Art, Ecology, and Climate: Environmental JusticeArt, Ecology, and Climate: Environmentalisms Art, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems Art, Ecology, and Climate: MaterialsArt, Ecology, and Climate: Plants and Planting Art, Ecology, and Climate: Pollution and ContaminationArt, Ecology, and Climate: Power and Energy Art, Ecology, and Climate: The AnthropoceneArt, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and WildnessArt, Ecology, and and Climate: EntanglementArt, Ecology, and and Climate: ExtractionCeramics & GlassDrawings & WatercolorsPaintings Performance, Gesture, and Reflection Photography Play, Electronics and Social ConnectionPrintsRecent AcquisitionsTextilesImage AvailableClear787 for Terms: femaleMove on up a Little HigherCharles White1961Standing Woman with Parasolc 1880Smiling Woman with Sake Cupc 1880C'est l'amourCharles White1961Let the Light EnterCharles White1961Go Tell it on the MountainCharles White1961Birth of SpringCharles White1961 Image Not Available for Awaken from the UnknowingAwaken from the UnknowingCharles White1961untitled (Portrait of a woman)Arthur B. Daviesc 1930RachelEzio Martinelli1940Woman with UmbrellaRaimond von Stillfriedcirca 1880ResignationAdam Krueger2010Sleeping WomanRaimond von Stillfriedcirca 1880 Image Not Available for Tribute to WomenTribute to WomenBoris Lovet-Lorski1965Thin WomanPeggy Bacon1925Femme AssiseEdouard Vuillardcirca 1895 Image Not Available for PriscillaPriscillaJames Earle Fraserc 1920untitled, woman at bar [Ellis 38(2)]Fred Ellis20th c.untitled, seated woman [Ellis 38(2)]Fred Ellis20th c.Geisha Gion Street, Kyotoc 1880Woman having hair donec 1880Two Women Standing Beneath an Umbrellac 1880Japanese Ladyn.d.Standing Woman Holding Flowerc 1880Next Page Powered by eMuseum