Skip to main content Collections MenuAdvanced Search Objects: results Advanced Search Close Refine ResultsArtist / MakerBoris Artzybasheff (16) Harry Herman Wickey (13) Letterio Calapai (7) Peter Moran (6) John T. Bowen (6) John James Audubon (3) Pierre Bourdelle (3) John Woodhouse Audubon (3) Stephen Parrish (3) Robert Birmelin (2) Load all Artist / MakerClassification(s)Print (73) Drawing (20) Painting (15) Photograph (12) Portfolio (3) Book (1) Decorative Art (1) Sculpture (1) Textile (1) CollectionsArt, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems (7) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and Wildness (5) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & Animality (3) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Environmentalisms (2) Art, Ecology, and Climate: The Anthropocene (2) Art from Mithila, India (1) Art, Ecology, and Climate Water Use (1) Art, Ecology, and Climate: Materials (1) Textiles (1) Date toDepartmentPermanent Collection (127) Image AvailableSort:RelevanceTitle (A–Z)Date (Older First)Object number (Ascending)Primary Maker (A-Z)Last Updated (Ascending)ListImagesTable Advanced Search Filters View PDFTitleArtist / MakerCultureGeographyObject numberKeywordDatetoDateMediumCredit LineClassification(s)All(not assigned)AnimationAssemblageBookCalligraphyCartoonCeramicCollageConstructionDecorative ArtDrawingGlassInstallationJewelryOtherPaintingPhotographPortfolioPrintSculptureTextileVideomiscellaneousIn Collection(s)AllArt and GlobalizationArt from Mithila, IndiaArt on CampusArt, Ecology, and Climate BewildermentArt, Ecology, and Climate Water UseArt, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & AnimalityArt, Ecology, and Climate: Atmospheric Art, Ecology, and Climate: Environmental JusticeArt, Ecology, and Climate: Environmentalisms Art, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems Art, Ecology, and Climate: MaterialsArt, Ecology, and Climate: Plants and Planting Art, Ecology, and Climate: Pollution and ContaminationArt, Ecology, and Climate: Power and Energy Art, Ecology, and Climate: The AnthropoceneArt, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and WildnessArt, Ecology, and and Climate: EntanglementArt, Ecology, and and Climate: ExtractionCeramics & GlassDrawings & WatercolorsPaintings Performance, Gesture, and Reflection Photography Play, Electronics and Social ConnectionPrintsRecent AcquisitionsTextilesImage AvailableClear127 for Terms: animalsRabbitsHarry Herman Wickeyno dateRabbitsHarry Herman Wickeyno datePolar Bears Fighting Over SealAnna Hyatt Huntingtonn.d.Famous Monkey Carvings, Nikkoc 1880Carving Monkey at Nikkoc 1880[Landscape with cow]Anton Mauveno dateFrog and Mother Looking at ThumblingKatherine Pylec 1900(137) untitled [various sketches of animals (monkeys, donkeys, camels, birds, cats, etc…)]Boris Artzybasheffno dateBoy DrawingHarry Herman Wickeyno dateSultry August AfternoonHarry Herman Wickeyno dateSultry August AfternoonHarry Herman Wickeyno dateRooster Strutting in an OrchardHarry Herman Wickeyno date[Two people leading two horses]Harry Herman Wickeyno date3 AnimalsRobert Birmelin1956The JuryGeorge Overbury Hartn.d.Cow LotBolton Coit Brown1924Cow LotBolton Coit Brown1924 Image Not Available for Le Bestiaire de Paul EluardLe Bestiaire de Paul EluardRoger Chastel1948[Lanscape with cows, sheep, and goats]Thomas Sidney Cooperno date Image Not Available for [Landscape with cows][Landscape with cows]Thomas Sidney Cooperno date(136) untitled [various sketches of animals (bears, ducks, deer, warthogs, bunny, birds, owl, fox; and a tree)]Boris Artzybasheffno dateMacedoniaJohn E. Alexander1964untitled [calf, goat, and sheep]Francesco Londoniolate 18th c [1760]743 Imachi Road Nikkoc 1880Next Page Powered by eMuseum