Skip to main content Collections MenuAdvanced Search Objects: results Advanced Search Close Refine ResultsArtist / MakerRaimond von Stillfried (21) Freitag (11) Toyohara Kunichika (8) Utagawa Kuniyoshi (6) Kunishige (3) Sadahiro II (3) Boris Artzybasheff (3) Felice Beato (3) Kunitaka (2) Ignaz Marcel Gaugengigl (2) Load all Artist / MakerClassification(s)Photograph (145) Print (36) Drawing (7) Painting (3) Book (2) Textile (1) Date toDepartmentPermanent Collection (194) Image AvailableSort:RelevanceTitle (A–Z)Date (Older First)Object number (Ascending)Primary Maker (A-Z)Last Updated (Ascending)ListImagesTable Advanced Search Filters View PDFTitleArtist / MakerCultureGeographyObject numberKeywordDatetoDateMediumCredit LineClassification(s)All(not assigned)AnimationAssemblageBookCalligraphyCartoonCeramicCollageConstructionDecorative ArtDrawingGlassInstallationJewelryOtherPaintingPhotographPortfolioPrintSculptureTextileVideomiscellaneousIn Collection(s)AllArt and GlobalizationArt from Mithila, IndiaArt on CampusArt, Ecology, and Climate BewildermentArt, Ecology, and Climate Water UseArt, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & AnimalityArt, Ecology, and Climate: Atmospheric Art, Ecology, and Climate: Environmental JusticeArt, Ecology, and Climate: Environmentalisms Art, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems Art, Ecology, and Climate: MaterialsArt, Ecology, and Climate: Plants and Planting Art, Ecology, and Climate: Pollution and ContaminationArt, Ecology, and Climate: Power and Energy Art, Ecology, and Climate: The AnthropoceneArt, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and WildnessArt, Ecology, and and Climate: EntanglementArt, Ecology, and and Climate: ExtractionCeramics & GlassDrawings & WatercolorsPaintings Performance, Gesture, and Reflection Photography Play, Electronics and Social ConnectionPrintsRecent AcquisitionsTextilesImage AvailableClear194 for Terms: costumeCoolie Winter DressRaimond von Stillfriedc 1880Theater BoxJohn Koch20th cTwo childrenc 1880Woman having hair donec 1880Portrait of Lei Hong Changc 1880Court NobleRaimond von Stillfriedc 1880[Woman in kimono]H. Yokoyamacirca 1890sGirl with Flower in Her HairRaimond von Stillfriedc 1880Country Girl with UmbrellaFelice Beatocirca 1880Water CoolieKusakabe Kimbeic 188055. Little Folks of Japan. Otani park, Kyoto, Japan1896Three Womenc 188070. Little Japs189671. Saying Good Morning in Japan1896153 Servantc 1880Dancing Girlscirca 1880Noblewomanc 1880Little Girlc 1880Woman with Flowersc 1880Woman with Fanc 1880Two women with umbrellacirca 1880Woman Writingc 1880Two women with umbrellacirca 1880Smiling woman holding an umbrellac 1880Next Page Powered by eMuseum