Skip to main content Collections MenuAdvanced Search Objects: results Advanced Search Close Refine ResultsArtist / MakerH.C. White Co. (3) Doubleday Page & Co. New York (3) Classification(s)Photograph (49) CollectionsArt, Ecology, and Climate Water Use (1) Date toDepartmentPermanent Collection (49) Image AvailableSort:RelevanceTitle (A–Z)Date (Older First)Object number (Ascending)Primary Maker (A-Z)Last Updated (Ascending)ListImagesTable Advanced Search Filters View PDFTitleArtist / MakerCultureGeographyObject numberKeywordDatetoDateMediumCredit LineClassification(s)All(not assigned)AnimationAssemblageBookCalligraphyCartoonCeramicCollageConstructionDecorative ArtDrawingGlassInstallationJewelryOtherPaintingPhotographPortfolioPrintSculptureTextileVideomiscellaneousIn Collection(s)AllArt and GlobalizationArt from Mithila, IndiaArt on CampusArt, Ecology, and Climate BewildermentArt, Ecology, and Climate Water UseArt, Ecology, and Climate: Animals & AnimalityArt, Ecology, and Climate: Atmospheric Art, Ecology, and Climate: Environmental JusticeArt, Ecology, and Climate: Environmentalisms Art, Ecology, and Climate: Food Systems Art, Ecology, and Climate: MaterialsArt, Ecology, and Climate: Plants and Planting Art, Ecology, and Climate: Pollution and ContaminationArt, Ecology, and Climate: Power and Energy Art, Ecology, and Climate: The AnthropoceneArt, Ecology, and Climate: Wilderness and WildnessArt, Ecology, and and Climate: EntanglementArt, Ecology, and and Climate: ExtractionCeramics & GlassDrawings & WatercolorsPaintings Performance, Gesture, and Reflection Photography Play, Electronics and Social ConnectionPrintsRecent AcquisitionsTextilesImage AvailableClear49 for Terms: Russo-Japanese29. Pyramids of Storesc 1904His Excellency General Baron Kuroki at headquarters in ManchuriaH.C. White Co.1905Panoramic view of Mukden, Manchuria, from S. gate. In distance towers of the palace.H.C. White Co.1905Jap soldiers in the trenches on the Sha-Ho - Mid-winter fighting H.C. White Co.190547. Immense numbers of Russian guns capturedc 190445. Captured Russian Gunc 190421. Closing in on Kuropatkin Russian Shell Burstc 19042. Admiral Togoc 190439. Wounded Japanese soldiers in Hiroshimac 190435. Destroyed building at railwayc 190442. Amputationc 190441. Awaiting Surgeryc 190423. Japanese Wrestling Between Battlesc 190450. Russian Officers, prisoners of warc 190449. Russian Prisoners eatingc 190448. Russian Prisoners in Japanc 190444. Funeral of Lieutenantc 190443. Funeral of sunken Japanese ship sailorsc 190414. Front at Arthurc 190413. Bombarding Port Arthurc 190420. Skirmishers of the 30th Regimentc 190419. Commander Kuroki and Prince Kunic 190416. Machine Gun Transportc 190415. Front at Port Arthur: A Mealc 1904Next Page Powered by eMuseum