Skip to main content Collections MenuExpandMy CollectionView PDFKey to the “Homage to the City”PreviousNext 300 x 300 (Download)Key to the “Homage to the City”Daten.d.ClassificationsPrintMediumreproductionDimensionsObject: 14 1/8 × 14 1/8 in. (35.8 × 35.8 cm) Sheet: 14 1/8 × 14 1/8 in. (35.8 × 35.8 cm)Keyword/SubjectarchitecturecityscapebuildingshistoricObject number2011.0170D Discover More "We give him a key to the city, and he goes and has a duplicate made for a Miss Pomeroy."Alan Dunn1936Le FumeurJean-Louis Meissonier1911EnfantsNarcisse Virgilio Díaz de la Peña1911Jeune fille en prièreJean-Baptiste Greuze1911Au retour de l’ égliseGustave Léonard de Jonghe1911TriumphCharles White1965I’m on my way to CanaanCharles White1965(14) untitled [The Lion and the Mouse illustration]Boris Artzybasheffno dateJardin de monastèreOswald Achenbach1911The Wild BeastJohn St. John1971Downtown ManhattanAlec Sternno dateCat’s CradleCharles White1965 Powered by eMuseum