Skip to main content Collections MenuExpandMy CollectionView PDFLithofa 64/53PreviousNext 300 x 300 (Download)Lithofa 64/53Artist Rolf Cavael (German, 1898 - 1979)Date1964ClassificationsPrintMediumColor lithographDimensions18 3/8 x 13 5/8 in.Credit LineMuseum purchaseObject number1964.283 Discover More Lithofa 61/44Rolf Cavael1961 Image Not Available for Portrait StudyPortrait StudyRolf Stoll1948dish with bird designRolf Hansenn.d.[Bird]Rolf Hansen20th-centuryMy MotherRolf Koppel1973, printed 197664. ¿Qué son mis versos por demás vulgares?/ Son para el pueblo y eso debo darles:/ El vulgo es necio y pues lo paga es justo,/ Hablarle en necio para darle gusto.José Guadalupe Posada194753. Sermon. Reflect! That God looks on you./ Reflect! That he is watching you./ Reflect! That you must die./ Reflect! That you know not when.José Guadalupe Posada1947Kambra from 53 Stations of the TokaidoUtagawa (Ando) Hiroshige1850Hakone from 53 Stations of the TokaidoUtagawa (Ando) Hiroshigecirca 1850 Image Not Available for No. 64No. 64John Von Wicht20th century(64) DistributionBoris Artzybasheffno date64. An Umbrella Maker, Kobe, Japan1896 Powered by eMuseum