Skip to main content Collections MenuThesaurus Advanced Search Choose ThesaurusArt & Architecture ThesaurusAuthoritiesSearch within current Thesaurus Show only matches There are no search results! Term: FranceObjects View all (116) 184. Cheverny, Salle A Manger. Ed. Peigne Tours c 1870-1890 untitled [cathedral in France, Coutances] c 1870-1890 Angouleme, Cathedral of St. Pierre 1924 205 Cathedrale de Bauvais - Le Grand Portail. N.D. Phot. c 1870-1890 [Palais de Fontainebleau. Cheminee de la Galerie Henri II.] circa 1870-1890 674 Palais de Fontainebleau. Le Salon de Reception des Reines Meres. X. Phot. c 1870-1890 Powered by eMuseum